Children from all areas are welcome at Little Oaks but we recognise that most applicants live in Penn & Tylers Green, Beaconsfield, Hazlemere or High Wycombe. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the nurseries through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
Little Oaks @ The Parish Rooms is for children aged 18 mths – 3 yrs. Children who are under 2 may start in a smaller group and move to the larger group either at the end of a term or when we and parents agree they are ready.
Little Oaks @ Tylers Green receives children aged 3 – 4 yrs old who are in their ‘preschool’ year (their 4th birthday falls in the coming academic year 1st September to 31st August). Children attend for the whole of that academic year before starting at school the following September.
Little Oaks @ Forty Green welcomes children aged 18 mths – 4 yrs. Most children will stay until they leave for school.
An application for a place at one of our nurseries may be made at any time using the enrolment form (initial enquiries to Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. According to our policy, the following factors may be given consideration:
- the vicinity of the home to the nursery;
- siblings already attending the nursery or our Little Oaks Breakfast & Tea Time clubs;
- children of staff members;
- special characteristics including disability, special educational or physical needs or illness.
Our nurseries are completely inclusive, regardless of the needs or circumstances of children and their families. We welcome all families and endeavour to support each child on their individual learning journey. Our qualified and experienced group SENCO works across all the sites to implement specific strategies and support plans.
We are open for approximately 38 weeks per year. The funding streams we offer are:
- Disadvantaged 2-year-olds (parents who receive some additional government support)
- Universal entitlement for all 3- & 4-year-olds
- Eligible Working Parent entitlements for 2 year olds
- Eligible Working Parent entitlements for 3 and 4 year olds (30 hours)
A signed parent declaration and a parent/provider agreement must be in place for us to claim funding. We will provide parents with all necessary paperwork.
Invoicing and Payments
Invoices are issued at the beginning of each month, with a 7-day payment window. by 12th of the month. Parents should pay by Direct Debit if possible, but childcare vouchers or tax-free childcare payments are also accepted.
No deposit or registration fee is required in order to enrol your child.
Our fees for unfunded hours from January 2025 are £9.20 per hour.
- Monthly invoicing includes only pre-agreed payments.
- For parents claiming their funded entitlement, a place is offered without the need for any extra payment.
- If agreed when accepting the place, charges include special sessions, e.g. Forest School, outings in the local area, visitors and additional taught experiences.
- For funded 2-year-olds there is no additional charge except for additional hours above those that are funded.
- We may charge fees for occasional special activities, but we will never insist on a child taking part in a fee-paying activity and a suitable alternative would be provided.
Non-payment of fees & charges
- Parents can view their balance at any time via the Blossom app (on phones and other devices).
- If parents are experiencing hardship or are for any reason unable to pay on the agreed date, they are encouraged to contact us to discuss the situation. Together, a payment plan or other approach will be proposed.
- If no payment has been received for 60 days and parents have not been willing to discuss the matter, we reserve the right to revoke a child’s place. However, our first approach is always to work with parents to try to resolve their debt.
How do I know if my child has a place?
Every March we write to families on the waiting list for the following September. Initially we’ll send a google form asking parents their preferred days and times, and will offer places by the middle of April. Once the place has been accepted and our Home-Nursery Agreement is in place, parents are invited to bring their child to a taster session during June or July. This also provides parents with the opportunity to meet their child’s key person, ask questions and complete paperwork. Parents will need to bring their child’s birth certificate or passport as well as their red book / proof of vaccinations. Children visit again for a further taster session just before the start of term in September.
Parents who have been unsuccessful in gaining a place for their child may keep their child’s name on a waiting list in case a place is available later.
The opening hours of our nurseries varies. Where your chosen nursery does not open for the full 30 hours a week, you can still claim any funded hours in excess of the 15 as part of your 30-hour allowance. If you’re not sure of your entitlement, please visit
Admission to our nursery at Tylers Green First School does not entitle children to a place in the main school – this is a separate admissions procedure administered by Buckinghamshire Council.
Please visit to find out more.